Operation Oasis

(Overseas Arid Soil Irrigation Solution)


Ingenious Solution


How do we restore coastal trees in harsh desert conditions in order to provide a moist microclimate enabling inland crops to convert global carbon emissions and waste on a huge scale into food and fuel?


We have identified and built on an extraordinary lateral-thinking solution from a British engineer, Andrew K Fletcher.


He points out that oil supertankers arrive from desert regions and we send them back with microbe-ridden seawater as ballast. Meanwhile we still outfall-pipe much of our wastewater and even raw sewage out to sea, and it comes back to haunt our tourist beaches. If we filled tanker ballast compartments with that waste instead, we could first bio-digest it to remove pathogens safely and generate bio-gas to be scrubbed and fed into the gas grid or used to power machinery.

At the other end we will have organic material and nutrients to turn sand back into soil and millions of tonnes of water to irrigate coastal tree belts to induce a moist microclimate, to enable agro forestry to proceed inland, absorbing vast amounts of CO2 and growing food and energy crops – more than enough for the world’s needs.


Andrew calls this Operation OASIS.


For the Operation Oasis Blog visit:




Global economic recovery


With the Operation OASIS approach, environmental restoration and economic recovery could go hand in hand. We can help developing nations to build economies that absorb our carbon emissions and provide renewable supplies of the commodities that our communities and industries need.


Even those who don’t believe in man-made climate change can agree that with CO2 levels 40% up since pre-industrial times, it makes sense to view CO2 as a resource and turn it back into the things that our world is running short of.

No more hot air wasted on climate change debate


Carbon Cycling has the potential to unite opposing sides on the climate change debate behind a solution for our collective benefit.


And that is the motto of the FREdome Visionary Trust – A Shared Way Forward.



Credibility of this solution


In 2010, we convened an All Party Parliamentary Group session to discuss our proposal and invited an independent panel of academics at the top of the relevant fields. They agreed to become our Scientific and Advisory Panel. You can view or download the output from the meeting here:






In 2011, Liverpool John Moores University stepped up to lead a transnational bid to communicate the OASIS carbon cycling approach to communities, governments and EU policy makers. The universities, authorities and agencies who partnered us in our bid committed half-a-million Euro towards covering their project costs if matched by the European Commission. You can view or download key excerpts from the bid here:






Our approach has been publicly endorsed by Professor Dr Michael Braungart, co-founder of the European C2C Movement, whose work is co-funded by the European Commission. You can view or download his endorsement here:






In November 2011 we won an award for our project – the Herts Green Award for Best Green Communications Project.


Our 2010 debate was awarded the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2010 Outstanding Impact Award.


Our 2012 debate was attended by 30 corporate executives and 100 SME owners.


We are now working towards our next debate - watch this space.